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Routine practices of individuals who consistently maintain a spotless vehicle:

Six Habits of Individuals Who Maintain a Perennially Spotless Vehicle

Regular vehicle owners with impeccably tidy vehicles typically exhibit these six behaviors:
Regular vehicle owners with impeccably tidy vehicles typically exhibit these six behaviors:

Routine practices of individuals who consistently maintain a spotless vehicle:

Your abode might be spotless, but your car's another tale entirely. We're here to say that doesn't have to be the case. With a few quick tweaks, you'll find yourself cruising around in a vehicle that's always ready for unexpected carpools and chauffeuring—unless you prefer your low-on-gas excuse, which we get.

With tips borrowed from the rare few who never have messy cupholders or dirty seatbacks, you too can have a car that's always perfectly tidy.

They Utilize Organizers

The number one rule for organization, whether we're discussing craft closets, garages, bathrooms, or basements, is that everything must have a place. This rule applies to your SUV, coupe, sedan, or hatchback too. Start by figuring out a plan that works for you and your specific needs.

Large trunk organizers can be ideal for neatly containing groceries, sports equipment, or other items you regularly carry around. Tidy storage dividers that can secure to the wall of your trunk can help corral cleaning supplies or miscellaneous items. A small file folder can help organize important documents like car registration, insurance, and manuals and neatly fit into a glove box. Console organizers can help contain wipes, napkins, phone chargers, and more.

For every item and storage space, there's surely a storage solution that can make managing your must-have supplies easier and ensure quick, easy access when needed.

They Have a Car Cleaning Kit

One of the foremost tricks for maintaining a clean car is convenience. That means keeping all your cleaning essentials in your car for quick cleanup sessions. A duster, handheld vacuum, all-purpose cleaner, paper towels, and detail brushes for those hard-to-reach spots are just a few of the items that can make your park-and-go cleaning sessions a breeze.

Whether you're stuck in a carpool line and have a few minutes to spare or prefer to give your car a quick once-over at the beginning or end of each week, having your cleaning supplies readily available when you need them can make quick work of the job. No more procrastination here.

They Park in Covered Areas

Dirty windshields are for birds. Just say no to parking under trees, power lines, or other locations where you're more likely to require a carwash. Covered parking is always preferable for maintaining a clean car exterior. If covered parking isn't an option, try to avoid parking spaces under trees or other locations where you're more likely to return to a car that's speckled in dirt, debris, and other unsightly messes.

They Use Seat Protectors and All-Weather Floor Mats

Keeping your car clean for the long haul might mean taking certain protective measures. Swap out your floor mats for durable all-weather options that can easily be cleaned, even when they're covered in the messiest of messes. They can usually be sprayed off and left to air dry, resulting in like-new results within a matter of minutes.

If you're transporting pets, children, sporting equipment, or other items that are likely to damage the interior of your vehicle, seat protectors might be beneficial. Like all-weather mats, they can be cleaned more easily than upholstery or other non-removable surfaces. Tip: Look for options that are machine washable.

They Have a Cleaning Plan

Just as keeping all your supplies nearby can make it easy to keep your car clean, so too can setting a cleaning schedule. The easiest way to make cleaning your car less time-consuming is to stay on top of the mess.

Set aside a certain day or time to give your car a quick tidy. You might choose to restock and organize your car once a week and save your more thorough clean for once a month or, if you spend a lot of time in your car, perhaps daily cleanouts with a scheduled weekly clean. The trick is to select a routine that works for you and that's easy to stick to.

They Keep Extra Plastic Bags Handy

The MVP of your clean car will absolutely be a stash of grocery bags. Place them into an empty travel-sized wipes container and store them in your center console or glove box for easy access. These bags can be used for anything from wet shoes after a soggy soccer practice to road trip trash collection or even for doling out to kids before they exit the car, so they can clean up after themselves. One thing is for sure, you'll never be at a loss for ideas for putting your upcycled grocery bags to use for keeping your car neat.

Additionally, readers of SouthernLiving magazine might find inspiration in their 'Cleaning and Housekeeping' section, which often features tips for maintaining a clean home, including your car.

Furthermore, implementing these habits can help transform your car from a cluttered space into a reflection of your well-organized home, making it more enjoyable to use and a source of pride.

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