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Is It Appropriate to Wash Towels and Bedsheets as a Single Load?

Is it Advisable to Launder Towels and Bedsheets Together? Insights from Professionals

Is it Advisable to Launder Towels and Bed Sheets Together?
Is it Advisable to Launder Towels and Bed Sheets Together?

Is It Appropriate to Wash Towels and Bedsheets as a Single Load?

Laundry can be a never-ending chore, from clothes to linens. Even when it comes to sheets and towels, it might seem like a smart move to chuck them in the washer together. But, after speaking with several laundry experts, we've learned that combining these two linens may not be the best idea.

You might recall the moment when you threw towels and sheets in the washer all at once, in search of time-saving efficiency. Remember the disappointment when towels covered your sheets in lint, requiring an extra rinse cycle? Guilty as charged! That's why we decided to dig deeper into the debate of washing towels and sheets together. Here's what our experts had to say:

  • Jade Piper, Operations Manager for BetterCleans, and
  • Katie Dills, Brand President at The Cleaning Authority, and
  • Tom Ceconi, President at Heritage Park Laundry

Separate Washing: The Experts' Verdict

Turns out, our experts agree: towels and sheets should be washed separately or with other items like clothes. "I tried doing this once, fully aware of the hygiene concerns, but I was pressed for time. Unfortunately, the sheets came out of the dryer covered in lint from the towels," narrates Piper. The experiment resulted in wasted time, water, and energy, and the sheets had to be washed again.

According to Ceconi, the makeup of towels is the reason for their separate washing requirement. Towels are heavier and more absorbent, requiring more drying time and a more extended process. Washing them together can lead to uneven drying, increasing lint transfer and reducing overall cleanliness. Furthermore, towels harbor more bacteria and body oils that can transfer to your sheets, which might not be your desired outcome.

Washing Tips

But wait, there's more! Our experts shared with us additional tips for washing towels and sheets:

Caution Against Overcrowding

When loading your washing machine, our experts advise you to avoid crowding the washer and ensure there's enough space for the linens to move around and be cleaned properly.

Gentle Laundry Detergents

A gentle detergent is essential for maintaining fiber softness. Ceconi recommends opting for pH-neutral detergents for enhanced fiber preservation and softness.

Follow Label Instructions

Checking the manufacturer's care instructions is essential to washing your linens properly, ensuring they last as long as possible.

Stick To A Schedule

Setting a schedule for washing your linens ensures you eliminate daily grime and keep your towels and sheets fresh. Dills recommends washing sheets once a week and bath towels every 3-4 uses.

Use Dryer Balls

Dryer balls help protect fiber preservation by preventing wrinkles and static cling, making your towels and sheets softer and fluffier.

Wash in Warm Water

Washing in warm water strikes the perfect balance, killing bacteria without compromising the softness of the fibers.

Choose Vinegar Over Fabric Softener

Vinegar acts as a powerful home cleaner and a natural fabric softener, removing odors without leaving a residue like fabric conditioners.

Air Dry Occasionally

Air drying linens in the sun naturally sanitizes and prevents heat damage.

  • Despite the temptation to save time by washing towels and sheets together, experts warn against it due to hygiene concerns and potential for uneven drying.
  • Jade Piper, Operations Manager for BetterCleans, shares her experience of washing towels and sheets together, resulting in sheets covered in lint and the need for an additional rinse cycle.
  • Tom Ceconi, President at Heritage Park Laundry, explains that towels' heavy and absorbent nature require more drying time and a more extended process, leading to uneven drying and lint transfer when washed with sheets.
  • Katie Dills, Brand President at The Cleaning Authority, emphasizes the importance of following the manufacturer's care instructions, setting a washing schedule, using gentle detergent, dryer balls, and warm water for optimum cleaning and fiber preservation of towels and sheets.

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