Guiding Techniques for Nurturing Pothos to Boost Growth and Vigor
Revitalize your drab-looking pothos with some nutrient love! While this plant is tough, it might be craving more nutrients to bring back its gleam. Applying fertilizer can give it the necessary boost and aid in growth. But, understanding how to fertilize pothos correctly is crucial for its thriving.
Let our experts guide you through the process.
Melvin Cubian, a certified botanist from PlantIn App, suggests using a slow-release fertilizer pellet, preferably with a nutrient ratio of at least 5-5-5 or 10-10-10 (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium). This type of fertilizer usually lasts up to a year or more until completely dissolved.
On the other hand, Mike Murphy, a knowledgeable gardener who runs gardening site You Had Me at Gardening, advocates for using a balanced liquid fertilizer like a 10-10-10 or 20-20-20. Liquid fertilizers can be an easy way to provide essential nutrients without overwhelming the plant. For organic enthusiasts, options like compost tea, diluted fish emulsion, and worm castings can offer a more natural approach, although they might leave an unpleasant scent in your home.
When it comes to fertilization timing, the growth phase is crucial. Mike Murphy recommends fertilizing during spring and summer while the plant is actively growing. During fall and winter, when growth slows down, reduce fertilizing to every 6-8 weeks or even halt it altogether.
Melvin Cubian warns against applying fertilizer in late fall and winter as it can stimulate new growth that may be sensitive to temperature drops. However, if you live in a tropical or warm climate, year-round application might be possible.
If you observe no new growth or signs like smaller leaves, stunted vines, or yellowish foliage, your pothos might be in need of a nutrient boost. If your plant is active and growing but not flourishing, it could be a sign of under-fertilization. Ensure that other potential issues, like old soil or a cramped pot limiting element absorption in the roots, are also addressed.
Mike Murphy advises avoiding fertilization if you notice browning leaf tips or if the plant has recently been repotted because fresh soil contains essential nutrients.
There are several ways to fertilize your pothos depending on your chosen fertilizer type:
- Use a Balanced Liquid Fertilizer: Dilute the liquid fertilizer to half-strength to prevent overfeeding and apply during watering to help distribute nutrients evenly without root burn.
- Apply Pellet Fertilizer or Organic Fertilizers: Choose pellet or organic fertilizers like worm castings and compost. Sprinkle the pellets evenly on the soil, or apply worm castings as a top dressing.
Remember not to overdo it with fertilizing. It's vital to find the right balance to keep your pothos healthy and thriving. And if your furry friends are sharing your home, consider switching out your pothos for a pet-friendly houseplant instead.
Incorporating house plants into your home decor can bring a sense of tranquility and life. Following the guidance from experts like Melvin Cubian and Mike Murphy, proper fertilization can help promote healthy growth in your pothos plant, making it an even more beautiful addition to your Gardening hobby. As referred to in RealSimple, understanding the correct fertilization process is crucial for the plant's health and longevity.