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Eight Simple Adornment Modifications to Usher in the New Year

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Redecorate with 8 Simple Adornments to Usher in the New Year
Redecorate with 8 Simple Adornments to Usher in the New Year

Eight Simple Adornment Modifications to Usher in the New Year

Now that it's 2025, it's the ideal time to turn your house into a place you truly adore. It's a fresh start, after all! While this might sound daunting, there's no need for a major overhaul or a complete redesign. Small, straightforward changes can have a substantial impact. Here are eight straightforward decor updates to introduce good vibes into your home for the new year:

Eliminate Clutter

Designer Amber Guyton of Blessed Little Bungalow emphasizes that clearing clutter can make a big impact. It not only makes the space feel less chaotic, but it's also the best way to evaluate if you want to make bigger changes. "It's often difficult for homeowners to refresh a space because they can't see past what's taking up all of it," explains Guyton. "Remove unnecessary items so you can truly see the blank canvas in front of you and better imagine updates that can be made to enhance the space." This may involve getting a new area rug, painting a wall, or even something as simple as new lampshades and throw pillows.

If you're unsure where to start, interior designer Becky Shea recommends organizing by putting away holiday decorations. "For me, as soon as the holiday season comes to an end, I immediately put away all the decorations and give the house a thorough tidy-up," she says.

Introduce Plants

Bringing more nature into your home can bring about positive energy. Designer Shauna Jones of Shauna Glenn Design is a big fan of doing this. "You'll see them all over my house, and I'm lucky because my husband is an awesome plant parent," she says. "There really is just something about being surrounded by nature that brings a calming energy to a space."

Not a green thumb? That's okay. The designer suggests the "fake it until you make it" approach. "If you’re not the best plant parent, there are great fake plant options, but perhaps this is the year your green thumb finds its calling," she says.

And if you're not a plant person, bringing in flowers can have the same effect. "It's a simple yet transformative way to breathe life into a space, creating an atmosphere of rejuvenation and tranquility," explains Shea. "Fresh flowers not only brighten up a room visually but also infuse it with vibrant, positive energy."

Install Dimmer Switches

When it comes to creating a peaceful environment, customizing light can make a significant impact, according to Teresa Mack Noval of A Design Company. "Dimmable lighting is a must for adjusting the mood throughout the day, and a sound system can amplify soothing music or calming nature sounds to transform the atmosphere," she says.

If you rent or can't install dimmer switches in your home, consider buying lamps with dimmers as an alternative.

Edit Your Bookshelves

Even if you don't have a budget to buy new things for your home, you can always edit and restyle your bookshelves. "Thoughtfully styled shelves can act as a visual centerpiece in a room, showcasing your home's aesthetic and your own personal style," says Ashley Macuga of Collected Interiors. "But without being carefully curated, they can also feel messy and overwhelming to look at."

She recommends starting with a clean slate by removing all of your existing items, then editing out books and objects that no longer bring you joy.

Update Your Picture Frames

We all take so many photos and post them online, but we should be incorporating them into our real lives instead. So, consider reliving those moments by printing those photos and updating your picture frames. "Freshen up picture frames with up-to-date photos, and then rearrange for a new perspective and a visual clean slate," says Macuga.

Swap Out Your Hardware

Changing out hardware is an easy, affordable DIY that can instantly update everything from a kitchen to a bathroom or even a piece of furniture like an old desk or dresser. "A pop of color or an interesting design can instantly bring new energy and personality to a space, whether it's on cabinet hardware or drawer handles," says Kyle Kurtenbac, owner of ROUS Hardware. "Best of all, it's a DIY-friendly update that doesn't require a lot of tools or time—just a simple swap can make a significant impact."

Buy a New Doormat

It's the first thing you see when you enter your home, and if your doormat is looking less than welcoming, it's a quick and easy replacement. So, feel free to treat yourself and make your home a happier place.

Treat Yourself to New Curtains

New year, new curtains. We're all for it. Curtains are a fantastic way to add color and texture to any space. So, feel free to experiment and change yours up. Another thing to consider is how sheer or opaque you want your curtains to let more or less light in.

Decorating your home with new lampshades and throw pillows, as suggested by designer Amber Guyton, can significantly enhance the space after clearing clutter. Following this, RealSimple recommends treating yourself to new curtains as a way to add color and texture to any room, making it a happier place.

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